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Dr. Paul Dowson

Practice Director, Environmental Planning

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Dr. Paul Dowson
Dr. Paul Dowson Practice Director, Environmental Planning

Paul is an experienced Environmental Scientist, Project Director and Chartered Chemist with 34 years experience in environmental consultancy. During his career, Paul has worked for a range of private and public sector clients providing consultancy support across a range of disciplines including environmental due diligence, environmental planning, soil, groundwater and surface water quality assessments and implementation of remedial action plans in the UK and overseas. In addition to this Paul also spent three years in academic research dedicated to the study of the fate and effects of pollutants in the aquatic environment, with reference to organometal compounds in freshwater, estuarine and marine sediments. Additionally, he has published extensively in a number of international journals and conference proceedings and formerly refereed technical publications in two international scientific journals. Paul is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC).